Patch Testing may be recommended once you have been evaluated by your Dermatologist. Patch testing evaluates one’s HYPERSENSITIVITY TYPE 4 reaction to allergens in ones environment. This is different from an Allergist testing for HYPERSENSITIVITY TYPE 1 allergies.
One CANNOT have taken Prednisone for < 72 hours prior to Day 1, unless the dose is 10mg or less daily.
One CAN be taking anti-histamines such as Zyrtec, Allegra or Claritin because these medications only suppress the Type 1 Hypersensitivity reaction, which we are NOT testing.
Financial responsibility of Patch Testing series Patient is responsible for any Co-Pays, Deductibles and Co-Insurance according to your insurance plan benefits.
What to Expect:
Day 1
Come into clinic fully showered BEFORE testing on Day 1. We will apply 80 stickers to your back. You CANNOT shower until AFTER removal of the patch tests on DAY 2, which is 48 hours later.
The patches should not get wet at any time. Try to avoid strenuous activities that could make you sweat (such as aerobic exercises)
If any patches loosen during the test period, you can add additional tape, but do not replace any existing tape. Minor itching is normal under the patches. If the itching is severe or there is burning, please call the office.
Day 2
Plan on being here for 15-20 minutes after patches are removed.The patches will be removed for assessment of the EARLY REACTIONS.
AFTER the Day 2 Early Reaction test is read in the office, you can go home and BATHE (shower or bath).
After bathing, please REMARK ALL THE BLUE/PURPLE LINES on your back. These are a guide of where the patches have been placed and “register” the locations.
Day 3
Your Provider will go over the early and late reactions, with the information on where in your environment that the allergens are found.
After the test reading, you should contact the office at 480-821-8888 opt 2, if additional redness develops within several days.
East Valley Dermatology Center has transitioned to a new Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system in order to provide the best experience for our patients. This new system, Modernizing Medicine, will allow communication with our staff, pay your bill, and more. Thank you for your continued patience as we continue the transition to our new software.