Dry Skin Care – East Valley Dermatology

Dry Skin Care

The Arizona desert can be harsh on the skin. Dry skin can be worsened by low humidity, operation of heaters in the winter, bathing more than once a day, and over-use of soap. Hot water and soaps can remove the essential oils from the skin, which leads to dryness and itching. Dry skin or irritation also aggravates many skin conditions. Small changes in how you cleanse your skin can improve your symptoms and skin condition.

  1. Bathe / Shower in lukewarm water.
  2. Avoid over-bathing (once daily, less than 10 minutes is fine).
  3. When bathing, LIMIT the use of SOAP to the face, armpits, groin and feet. Use hands only; no luffa or wash clothe needed.
  4. Use a gentle cleanser such as: Cerave, Cetaphil, Dove Bar, Vanicream Bar.
  5. Avoid soaps such as Ivory, Irish Spring, or Dial.
  6. Pat dry after bathing. Within 0-2 minutes, apply prescribed medication. Apply to any red or itchy areas, then apply a CREAM based moisturizer (Cerave cream, Vanicream, or Eucerin cream).
  7. Try to lower the temperature in the house, and use a humidifier.
  8. Rubbing and scratching your skin worsens the itching, so you can use ice packs for the spots that are itching and/or apply more moisturizer.

Your skin will begin to improve and heal over the next 3-4 weeks.