If your dermatologist has advised you to take “bleach baths” to help you avoid skin infections, this handout explains what a bleach bath is and how to prepare one.
Scratching can create small breaks in your skin. If you have immune system changes from atopic dermatitis (eczema) or some other skin conditions, scratching increases your risk of skin infection from bacteria. You may be able to lower the number of infections and reduce the need for antibiotics by taking “bleach baths.”
Most swimming pools use chlorine to help reduce the bacteria and other germs in the water. With a bleach bath, you will make your very own swimming pool, right in the bathtub! This special water will help reduce the germs on your skin.
How to Create a Bleach Bath
Follow these steps to prepare your bleach bath:
Take a bleach bath 2 to 3 times a week, or as recommended by your dermatologist.
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