Skin cells multiply too quickly and are too sticky; plugging the follicular pore. RETINOIDS make the skin cells less sticky so they can be exfoliated.
Individuals have unique skin types that erupt in different types of acne, some with more comedones and others with more inflammation. Acne medications require 2 months of faithful use before their benefits can be seen.
One SHOULD NOT GET PREGNANT while on any acne medications. If one gets pregnant, stop all medications and call the office.
If you experience any of the following, stop and call the office: Rash, increase of headaches, dizziness, joint pain, shortness of breath, vomiting or diarrhea.
Use only NON-COMEDOGENIC (non-acne causing) products on the skin:
CLEANSERS – These are used for gentle cleansing. Avoid abrasive scrubs and products with alcohol.
Cetaphil Acne Wash; CeraVe foaming cleanser; Neutrogena Acne Wash; Oil of Olay Foam Cleanser
MOISTURIZERS – These vary from light to heavy:
Cetaphil; CeraVe: Neutrogena
Almay Nearly Naked Touch pad; Bare Essentials, Dior (find at Sephora); Clearing Skin Neutrogena; Physicians Formula (drug store)
Olay Complete SPF 30 sensitive skin; Olay Daily Defense; Neutrogena Helioplex
Wash face/chest/back with: ________________________________or gentle cleanser
Then apply: _____________________________________________ BPO? Yes/No
Wash face/chest/back with: ________________________________or gentle cleanser
Then apply: ______________________________________________
If prescribed an oral (taken by mouth) antibiotic:
Take: ______________________________ One/Two pill(s) times a day (am and pm)
If prescribed Spironolactone:
Take: _____________ mg pill _______________times a day
If prescribed an oral contraceptive:
Take 1 pill a day. Follow directions to start in package insert of prescription.
*** Please allow the FULL 8 weeks to see improvement
*** Acne may get WORSE before it gets BETTER
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